There is a function in the calendar that sends you a notification about upcoming events.
Here is what you need to do:
Go to the calendar. On the right side of your screen you can find the different categories.
If you, for example, click on “ArmA 3”, you only see events for ArmA 3.
If you can’t see the categories, click on the little arrow on the right side of the calendar.
To get a notification for events (from a category) you first need to select the category (see previous step). Then klick on the icon “Manage Subscription”. It’s in the upper right corner right above the categories.
In this window select „Watch this category“and „Notify me of new events”.
Then save it. Now you have subscribed to the category and get notifications for every upcoming event (in that category).
Note: You need to repeat these steps for every category you want to subscribe.
Note: Klick on the “Manage Subscriptions”-Symbol again to stop getting notifications or following a category.